The Bergenfield South community median real estate price of $573,196 is more expensive than the average in New Jersey and 80% percent higher than that found nationwide.
The Bergenfield South community, located in Teaneck, New Jersey, is a perfect place to live if you’re on a budget. With an average rental price of $2,381 per month, this neighborhood has some serious deals! It’s lower priced than 45% percent of New Jersey communities.
The Bergenfield South community in New Jersey has some of the shortest commutes among all U.S cities and towns, with 26% fewer people spending between 15-30 minutes on their commute each day compared to most Americans’ journeys which stands at an average rate of over 50 minutes or more in terms of duration.
In this community, as in most of America, many people own cars and use them for getting to work. In fact, 84% percent here drive alone while 10% take the bus or another form of transportation.
In the Bergenfield South community in New Jersey, there are many different ethnicities and ancestors that have made their mark on American culture. Residents most commonly identify themselves as Asian at 11%, with Eastern European populations coming second at 7%. Some people who live here report Polish roots, while others are of Native American and some English descent too. Additionally, 12% of the population were born outside the country.
The Bergenfield South neighborhood in New Jersey is home to a diverse array of languages. The most common language spoken here, English, makes up 73% percent of households’ preferred tongue at home with family members around them! Other important native tongues include Spanish and Tagalog-the first dialects learned by many Filipino kids.
The Bergenfield South community in New Jersey is one of the most diverse, with persons living here employed across many different fields. 64% percent are currently working in executive positions while. The second highest occupational group here consists primarily of manufacturing and laborer jobs at 15%. Other popular careers include clerical assistants or tech support personnel who make up 10%, and sales representatives ranging from major accounts down to fast food restaurant work.
The people living in Bergenfield South community are some of the wealthiest and most well-off around, making it a great place to call home. This community has a higher income than 95% percent of all other communities across America. Not only does its economic stability make life here much easier for residents, but there also isn’t even any child poverty whatsoever.
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