Christina Woods is an exclusive, upper-class neighborhood in Lakeland, Florida. It’s home to some pretty impressive properties with lush green lawns that stretch out for miles from your doorstep. With its population density and proximity to transportation, this neighborhood has everything needed for those who live there.
The Christina Woods community is an expensive place to live in comparison with the rest of Florida. The median real estate price here ($435,489) sits at a much higher rate than 70% percent of all other neighborhoods across Florida and 69.9% nationwide- which means that many people can’t afford this location if they want to.
In the Christina Woods community, renters can expect to pay a higher average price than buyers. In this neighborhood alone, rent is $2,428, which makes it 70% more expensive than in other areas in Florida.
The neighborhood of Christina Woods is a great community to live in because it has many different types of homes for anyone who’s looking. You’ll find single-family houses as well as townhomes with three or more bedrooms, which means there are multitudes of options available no matter what your needs may be.
Many people in the Christina Woods neighborhood own their homes. Many of these houses were built between 1970 and 1999, with a few dating back even further. There’s also quite an assortment that has been completed since 2000– so no matter your taste or budget, there will be something for you here.
The residential real estate market is mostly occupied by owners who live onsite; many properties boast established but not aged-old architecture because most developments happened during this time period (between 1970 – 1999). Newer buildings include those constructed after 2000.
The Christina Woods neighborhood is an ideal location to live if you’re an executive. The majority of adults in this area hold positions with high salaries and education levels, which tend to enable them not only to afford but also appreciate expensive real estate here, making it perfect for people who want a similar company around.
The people residing in the Christina Woods neighborhood are among America’s most fortunate – with an average income that is considerably higher than most other places around them. The residents of this suburban community have higher earnings than 83 percent of America’s neighborhoods.
The people of the Christina Woods neighborhood speak English as their primary language, with 85.6% speaking it at home. In addition to this commonality, there are also Spanish speakers present, who make up 11%.
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