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Silver Creek community’s median real estate price of $2,090681 is more expensive than 97.1% percent of the neighborhoods in California and 99% of all U.S communities.

The median rental price in the Silver Creek community is currently $3,772. Therefore, the cost of renting this home exceeds 80% of all other properties in this community.

The persons living in the Silver Creek community have a tough time getting to work because 30% spend over an hour commuting daily. This is longer than most other commutes across America.

In a community like this, as in most of the nation, many residents find owning an automobile practical for getting to work. In fact, 87% drive alone, and 6 percent carpool with coworkers or friends, while 5%. Other people take public transportation such as trains.

Residents of the Silver Creek communities in San Jose, CA, have a variety of ethnicity. The most commonly identified ancestry is Asian at 59%. There are also many Mexican who have some Portuguese roots too. In addition to this, there’s about 2-3% English influence among others

 47% were born outside America.

In the Silver Creek community, you’ll find a diverse clique of people who speak many different tongues. The most common tongue spoken here is English, with 43% speaking only this form of communication at home. Other important foreign tongues include Chinese Vietnamese, Langs Of India, and Spanish.

The most important occupational clique in this community is executives, managers, and professionals, with 81.9% of working residents here holding these job titles. Clerical assistants follow closely at 10%. Other popular careers include sales/service work which makes up 6%, and government positions, including local state or federal offices, 4%.

The people living in the Silver Creek community of San Jose, California, have an average income that is higher than 99.8% of other American communities. In addition to being among those with the highest per capita incomes across America – it has a lower childhood poverty rate of 0%.

Silver Creek community It is an interesting place, full of people who know each other and don’t move often. The percentage born in another country is higher here than average-47% versus 96% of all U.S communities.

Silver Creek is a fascinating community with so many different cultures living in it. It has more Asian and Portuguese ancestry people than nearly any other place across America.

The community of Silver Creek is home to a surprisingly high concentration of Vietnamese residents. 14% five years old and above primarily speak the tongue in their homes, which makes it higher than 99% of other communities in America.

Speedy Car Shipping

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