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The median price of a home in the Sunrise area is $1,228,422, which makes it more expensive than 84% percent of California communities and 96% of all U.S neighborhoods.

The cost of renting a home in Sunrise is higher than 98.2% of the other communities across California, with an average rental price currently at $5652 per month.

The residents of the Sunrise community have a tough time getting to work due to not only their own commutes. The greatest number, 36% of persons who reside there, spend between 30 minutes to 1 hour commuting in either direction, which is longer than most other places across America.

The Sunrise community in San Jose, California, is home to a diverse clique of people. The most frequently identified ethnicity among its residents is Asian at 51%. There are also 9% German descendants and 3% Mexican roots with some Spanish lace as well. Forty-four percent were born outside.

The diverse tongues spoken by people in this community give it an interesting flavor. These are tabulated as the ones preferred when at home with family, and English tops the list for 46%. Other important languages include Chinese, Korean, and Latin American Languages such as Spanish and Portuguese.

The community of Sunrise is one that has a high concentration, at 76.9%, working population employed in executive/managerial capacities – this includes major sales accounts and fast food restaurants, to name just two industries with 10%. There are also 10% of residents here who work as office employees or tech support specialists and clerical workers, followed closely by manufacturing laborers.

The people in the San Jose community are wealthy, making it one of the 15% higher-income areas. This area has a lower childhood poverty rate than 71%. 3% of children here live below the federal poverty line.

The communities in this area have a greater percentage of residents born outside the United States than most other places.

The diversity of tongues spoken in Sunrise is an interesting point about this community. 11% percent five years old and above primarily speak Korean at home, which may seem small, but it’s higher than 99% of all U.S communities.

The Sunrise community in California has more Asian and Iranian ancestry persons living in it than nearly any other American city. 51.7% of residents are either Asian or Iranian, 2.5%.

The people who call the Sunrise community home are typically employed as executives, managers, or professionals. With 76% of workers making a living in these types of jobs, it truly shapes what this area is about and defines its character.

Brookvale Chantel/ Calabazas North
Speedy Car Shipping

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