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The Teaneck Northeast median real estate price is $480,658, which makes it more expensive than 60.1% of the community in New Jersey and 74 percent of America as a whole. The cost of renting a home in this locality is lower than the average price for New Jersey communities. The median rental rate here currently sits at $2,321 per month, and this makes it cheaper than 50% percent of all communities across the state.

Many persons in this community, like many others across the nation, find that owning a car is practical for getting to work. The vast majority, 71%, drive alone, and about 17 percent take public transportation some carpool or ride with friends/co-workers.

Residents of Teaneck Northeast locality have the longest commute in this area at 36.9%. A lot more people who live there spend 30 to 45 minutes traveling for work which is slightly longer than average across all U.S communities.

The Teaneck Northeast community in New Jersey has a diverse population. The most common identifying roots are Jamaican and Dominican, with 5% reporting Puerto Rican heritage as well. There’s also some Asian ancestry among those who live here. 14% of persons here were born outside of America.

The most common languages spoken in the Teaneck Northeast neighborhood are English which accounts for 83.9% of households. Of some individuals, 14% also speak Spanish.

The Teaneck Northeast community has a high percentage of working residents. 47% are employed as executives, managers, and professionals, while 20 percent work in manufacturing or laborer jobs. There is also quite a good representation from other careers, including clerical support positions, which account for 17%, and also Sales & service oriented industries like fast food restaurants employ 15%.

The residents living in the Teaneck Northeast community are some of the wealthiest individuals, making it among America’s 15% highest-income areas. It has a higher income than 88% of all U.S communities. This locality has a lower rate of childhood poverty than 73.5% percent of America’s communities.

The Teaneck Northeast community is home to more people with Jamaican and Dominican roots than nearly any other region in America. 28% of the residents here have Jamaican ancestry, while 8% have Dominican makeup.

The area of the Teaneck Northeast community is linguistically diverse. Significantly, 0.9% of its residents, five years old and above, primarily speak Urdu, which happens to be one of the national tongues in Pakistan. This number is higher than 96% of all U.S communities.

Fairleigh Dickson University Metropolitan
Speedy Car Shipping

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