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The median price of homes in the Teaneck South community is $395,410, which makes it more expensive than 41.6% percent of communities across New Jersey and 65% of all U.S communities.

The cost of renting a home in the Teaneck South community is lower than in most communities. The average rental price here currently stands at $2,329. This is lower than 39% across New Jersey.

The persons who reside in the Teaneck South community are faced with longer commutes than most other regions of America. 34% have to travel for 45 minutes or more, which is the greatest percentage out of all places around here.

Many people in this community find owning a car practical for getting to work, as 70% of residents here drive alone, and 17.5 percent ride the bus or take another form of transportation. A lot more than 9%ride with friends or carpool with coworkers, friends/neighbors, etc.

In the geographical community in Teaneck, NJ area, where most persons identify their ethnicity or ancestry as Italian, 14.5%, there are also a number of folks who report being Puerto Rican at 11%. Additionally to this, we have residents with Asian roots 10%, alongside some English ancestors 5%. Furthermore, 25% were born outside the country.

The diverse tongues spoken by people in this community are what make it such a great place to live. With 54% of homes preferring English, Other important languages include Spanish spoken by quite a good number of households, Urdu, the national language of Pakistan, Langs Of India, And Korean.

The Teaneck South community in New Jersey is home to many different types of persons. The 43 percent work in executive, management, and professional jobs. It also has people working in service industries, too – 27% are employed as sales representatives or at fast food restaurants. Other popular careers here include clerical support positions, which make up 22%, and manufacturing/laboratory labor, with 6%.

The Teaneck South community in New Jersey is an upper-middle-class area with high incomes. This particular location has a higher income than 68% of U.S communities. With 19% of children living below the federal poverty level. This is higher than 65% of all U.S neighborhoods.

The proportion of persons who speak an international language at home in the Teaneck south community is higher than 99.9% elsewhere, and 6.5% do so primarily through Urdu-the national tongue Pakistanis use when they talk to each other.

The largest groups of people in this neighborhood are Puerto Ricans and Dominicans. 6% of the residents have Dominican ancestry, and 11% are Puerto Ricans.

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