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The median cost of a home in the Teaneck town center community is $933,685, which makes it more expensive than 85.9 percent of communities across New Jersey and 88% of all U.S communities. With an average rental cost of $5,706, this community is more expensive than 99% of other places in New Jersey.

A great number of persons who live in Teaneck Town Center commute to work, spending an average time there between 45 minutes and one hour. This is longer than most commutes across America.

Many people in this community find owning a car practical for getting to work. In fact, 73% of persons living here drive alone, and 11 percent ride buses or share cars with coworkers/friends on their daily commute.

The Town Center community in Teaneck, New Jersey area, is home to many different cultures and ethnicities. The most commonly identified ancestral background among residents here is Polish 12%. There’s also plenty of Eastern European ancestry with 10%. And you’ll find Russian roots amongst those who report them at 9%, alongside some English ancestors too. 14% of the persons in this population were born in another country.

The Teaneck Town Center community has a high concentration of English-speaking residents. About 90% speak only this single tongue, but Spanish speakers can be found throughout the area at 4%.

The Teaneck Town Center community has a high concentration of employees who are employed in executive, management, and professional-paced jobs. The second most important occupational clique is sales & service-based careers such as working for major company accounts or serving fast food patrons, among other things – 18% percent reside here. Other popular fields include clerkly tasks, which make up 6%, and tech support specialist positions. And lastly manufacturing at 4%.

The Town Center community in Teaneck is one of the 15% highest income areas across America. This locality has an average household income higher than 98% of the U.S communities. In addition, the children living in this community are less likely to be poor than in most other places. 4% of kids under 17 years of age here fall below the federal poverty line – This is a lower number than can be seen in other nations across America.

The Teaneck Town Center community is home to more people with Eastern European and Austrian ancestry than nearly any other place in America. In fact, 10.6% of the persons living in this locality have Eastern European ancestry, and 3 percent are from Austria.

Bergenfield South
Speedy Car Shipping

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