Compton Heights is among the most expensive neighborhoods in Missouri and the U.S. As you drive through the neighborhood, you’ll see meticulously well-maintained homes that are worth a fortune. Compton Heights’ median real estate price is $363,554, which is more costly than 88.1% of the neighborhoods across Missouri and 61.0% of the neighborhoods nationwide.
Compton Heights is among the most expensive neighborhoods in the state of Missouri. The average rental price in St. Louis community is currently $1,438. The average monthly rental cost in this neighborhood is higher than 78.4% of the neighborhoods in Missouri. The community is well-sized and has a lot of amenities nearby.
The Compton Heights neighborhood is a great location to reside if you are seeking a small to a medium-sized single-family home or medium apartment building. This St. Louis neighborhood is filled with charming small homes and apartment buildings, and the residents here are friendly and welcoming.
Some people may find the idea of not commuting at all to be an unusual way of getting around. But in the Compton Heights neighborhood, it is a popular choice, with 21.6% of residents working from home. This allows them to avoid dealing with traffic and public transportation and instead enjoy a relaxed work environment in their own home.
Additionally, Compton Heights is a great neighborhood to ride your bike, as 3.4% of commuters here do so on a daily basis. This is a higher rate of bicycle commuters than found in 95.5% of neighborhoods across America, so it’s clear that this is a neighborhood that values bicycle commuting. Compton Heights is perfect for those who want to get around on two wheels with its flat terrain and ample bike lanes.
The Compton Heights neighborhood is known for its high concentration of executives, managers, and other professionals. This has helped shape the neighborhood’s character and define what it is about. However, those who live here are able to take advantage of all that this area has to offer, including the friendly atmosphere and strong sense of community.
The neighborhood of Compton Heights is among the most affluent in the city of St. Louis. With a median income that is well above the national average, this neighborhood is home to many successful professionals and business owners. The homes in Compton Heights are large and luxurious, and the streets are lined with mature trees that provide plenty of shade.
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