The median price of homes in North San Jose is $1,086454, which makes it more expensive than 78.7% percent of California communities and 95% of all U.S communities. With an average rental price of $4,758 per this makes it one of the most expensive communities in all of California.
People living in the North San Jose community have a shorter commute than most Americans. 39% of working residents there spend between 15 and 30 minutes one-way traveling to their jobs. This is less time than it takes many individuals throughout the country for daily transportation needs.
Many of the persons living in this area drive to work alone. In addition, a good number carpool with coworkers or friends when they need transportation for their commute-the majority find owning an automobile practical.
The North San Jose community in California is home to many different cultures and ethnicities. The most common identification of ethnicity or ancestry among residents here is Asian at 71%. There are also those with German roots 3%, Arab 2%, while others report Irish lineage as well – each accounting for less than 2.5%. 66% were born outside of America.
The tongues spoken by persons in this community are diverse. These are tabulated simply based on which one they prefer when at home with their family members. The most common tongue heard here in North San Jose locality is English-spoken, by 27%. Other important spoken tongues include Langs Of India, Chinese or Korean.
The North San Jose community has a high percentage of workers who are employed in executive, management, and professional jobs. The second most important occupational group here is clerical/support staff, with 6% of residents working in their respective professions around the area. Other popular careers seen among those living within this community include sales-both major accounts or lower tier positions such as fast food restaurant work, where 5%.
The persons in the North San Jose community are some of America’s wealthiest. They make up 15% percent of our nation’s highest-earning areas and maintain a higher income than 98%. Another 14% of children here suffer from childhood poverty which is more prevalent compared to 57% of all U.S communities.
The North San Jose community has seen a lot of change. In fact, over 88% percent of those who live here today did not even exist five years ago. This rate is higher than that found across all U .S communities, which accounts for 96% of U.S communities.
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