The median home price in the Teaneck West community is $576,350, which makes it more expensive than 74.9% of the communities across New Jersey and 81% of all U.S neighborhoods. With an average rental price of $2,502 in Teaneck West, this community is higher than 61% of other communities across New Jersey.
In this community, as in most of the nation, many residents find owning a car practical for getting to work. 55% of persons here drive alone, and 17 percent ride public transportation such as buses or trains, while 16%. Five percent choose to carpool with family and friends.
Teaneck’s West community commuting statistics are not the best in America. 30% of working persons here spend between 45 minutes and one hour traveling to their jobs, which is longer than most other commutes around this country.
The Teaneck West community in New Jersey is home to many different cultures and ethnicities. Residents most commonly identify their ancestry or ethnicity as Eastern European 10%, there are also people with Polish roots 8%, along side some Russian legacy at 8%. Additionally, 19% were born outside of America, while 7 percent report Asian origins–among others like Puerto Rico’s heritage 5%.
The persons who live in the Teaneck West community speak English, with 77% speaking only that tongue. There are also 12 Spanish speakers out of every 100 residents.
The Teaneck West community in New Jersey has a high rate of employment, with 70.7% working population employed as executives or professionals; sales-and service related jobs make up 13%. Other professions include clerical staff and tech support technicians, 11% while 4% work manufacturing processes at either laborer level positions altogether.
The residents of the Teaneck West community have an average income that is among the highest in America. The persons living here make more money than 96% of other communities, and their children are also much less likely to live below federal poverty guidelines.
The Teaneck West community in New Jersey has more Eastern European and Russian ancestry people living in it than nearly any other American community. Actually, 10% of this area’s residents have Eastern European and 8% of Russian origins.
Teaneck West is a unique community in that it has one of the highest concentrations of Korean speakers. Roughly 1.9% of people living here speak this tongue. This may seem like an as small percentage, but it’s actually higher than 95 percent of all U.S communities.
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