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The median house cost in the West Englewood community is $451K. That’s more expensive than 53% of the communities across New Jersey and 71 percent of all other American cities.

West Englewood has some of the most affordable rent prices in all of New Jersey. With an average rental rate of $2,375. This is a lower price than 45% of the New Jersey community.

In the West Englewood community, 38% of workers are only traveling 15-30 minutes to their jobs. This shorter commute time is especially rare for Americans who typically spend more than an hour each morning getting to work.

The West Englewood community has more Jamaican and Dominican ancestry people living in it than nearly any other American city. In fact, 9.9% of the persons living here are from Jamaica or Dominican Republic.

For many persons in this community, owning a car is the most practical option for getting to work. In fact, 61% of individuals living here drive alone, and 24 percent take either public transportation or ride with friends/colleagues on their daily commute.

The ethnic diversity of West Englewood, NJ, is on full display in this neighborhood. With a number of people identifying their ancestry as Jamaican and Dominican-the list goes on to include South American roots or some Asian blood along with Irish immigrants who settled here long ago. 35% of residents were born outside the United States.

In the West Englewood community, English is the common language spoken by 56.5% of households here. Some individuals also speak Spanish at 28%.

The West Englewood community has a high concentration of employees who are employed in executive, management, and professional occupations. The second most important occupational clique is sales/service jobs, including major sales accounts as well fast food restaurant work with 29%. Other residents of this locality are mostly employed in manufacturing and laborer occupations 13%. However, there is a significant amount that works as clerks or tech support personnel too.

The West Englewood community in Teaneck, NJ, is an upper-middle-class area with a higher income than 71.8% of U.S communities. With 15% of children here below the federal poverty line, it has one of the highest rates of childhood poverty around–more so even when compared to other towns across America.

The West Englewood community is a linguistically special area. Significantly, 0.9% of persons living here five years old and above primarily speak Greek. This may not seem like a big percentage, but it is actually higher than 96% of all communities in the U.S.

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Speedy Car Shipping

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